
Answers to 3rd and 4th grade Problems 

Answers for worksheet from 151 to 200

If you find any mistakes, please contact us immediately. Thanks

Sheet # 151

1) 289

a) 406
b) 28

3) 538 miles

a) 1037 pounds
b) 103 pounds

Sheet # 152

1) 41 pennies

2) 766 pancakes

3) 506 miles

4) 25 pounds

Sheet # 153

1) 1509 miles

2) 1041 cartons

3) 450 lunches

4) 682 people

Sheet #154

Answers depend upon the date

Sheet #155

Answers depend upon the date

Sheet # 156

1) 7:30

2) 7:50

3) 8:45

4) 11:00

5) 2:30

6) 4:00

7) 10:30

Sheet # 157


 2. 30


 4. 98


 6. 850


Sheet # 158



3. $2443.80




Sheet # 159

1. Sam, Jim, Harry, Paul

 2. 83

 3. Nickel, quarter, penny

 4. dime, nickel, half-dollar

 5. quarter, dime, and penny

 6. nickel, dime, and quarter

Sheet #160

Answers depend upon the date

Sheet # 161

1) 71
2) 86
3) 12
4) 52
5) 32
6) 84
7) 400
8) 500
9) 25
10) 46
11) 92
12) 600
13) 20
14) 106
15) 76

Sheet # 162

1) 120
2) 90
3) 1000
4) 540
5) 30
6) 840
7) 60
8) 104
9) 920
10) 110
11) 334
12) 101
13) 204
14) 830
15) 15

Sheet #163

Answers depend upon the date

Sheet # 164
1) 23
2) 131
3) 884
4) 223
5) 276
6) 25
7) 50
8) 1100
9) 321
10) 9200
11) 15
12) 61
13) 70
14) 100
15) 40
Sheet # 165





5. $263.86 


Sheet # 166

1) 64  

2) 75  

3) 38

4) $416

5) 98 cents

6) $8.75

 7) 52 minutes

Sheet # 167





5. $6.30


7. $3.50

Sheet #168

Answers depend upon the date

Sheet # 169

1. $20.18







Sheet #170

1) $3.30

2) $2.20

3) $1.10

4) $19

Sheet # 171


36 inches: 3 feet or 1 yard

40 inches: 3feet, 4 inches or 1 yard 4 inches

45 inches: 3 feet 9 inches or 1 yard or 9 inches

54 inches: 4 feet 6 inches or 1 yard, 1 foot, 9 inches

63 inches: 5 feet 3 inches or 1 yard, 2 feet 3 inches

72 inches: 6 feet or 2 yards

2) 45 inches

3) 81 inches

Sheet #172

No worksheet

Sheet # 173

1) c
2) b
3) c
4) b
5) a

Sheet # 174

1) 380 yards
2) 45 minutes
3) 60 minutes = 1 hour
4) 22 players
5) 3 hours
6) 60 inches
Sheet # 186
1) 3 x 2 = 6 combinations
2) 3 x 3 = 9 combinations
Sheet #175

No worksheet
Sheet # 176

1) 8, 10, 12, 14

2) 9, 15, 21

3) 14 inches

4) 30 minutes

5) 1 hour

6) Franklin 1st, Hawk 2nd, Beaver 3rd

Fox 4th, Snail 5th

7) 12 yards

8) a) 22

b) 1 cookie, 2 muffins and 0 brownies

9) 10:55 a.m.

10) 4/10

11) 7

12) 40 minutes

13) 48

14) 2 1/1 hours, 150 minutes

15) 30 seconds

Sheet # 177

1) c (90 points)
2) 90 - 80 = 10 points
3) d 50+30 = 80
4) 60+30+50= 140 points
5) 30+60=90

Sheet # 178


a) 7 hours 30 minutes

b) 450 minutes

c) 27,000 seconds

2) 7:06 a.m.

3) 16 cookies

4) 3

ham lettuce

ham cheese

cheese lettuce

5) $11.10

6) $4.85

7) 42 minutes

8) Franklin: $85

Beaver: $53

Fox: $45

9) 1 hour 8 minutes

10) 12 pages

11) 2/9

12) centimeters

13) 288

14) 123.34, 123.42, 127.45, 127.47, 132.09, 132.90

15) 6 hours

Sheet # 179


2. Bill-24



3. 16


5.$5.34 August

$8.01 total

6. Nancy 15 Tom-14 Bill-8

7. $1.12

Sheet # 180

1) 98 cents

2) 79 cents

3) $23.44

4) $13.28

5) $3.35

6) $54.02

7) $167.21

Sheet #181

Answers depend upon date

Sheet # 182

1) I, K (skip one letter)
2) R, P
4) UW
5) GH

Sheet # 183

1) 12 mittens

2) 6

3) 7 pies

4) 12 stripes

5) 3 hours

6) 12 - (4+3+2) = 3

7) 4:17 p.m.

8) 4 cents

20 degrees

Sheet # 184

1) 65 candies

2) 64 miles

3) 62 cents

4) 63 calories

5) 61 eggs

6) 1999 - 1735 = 264 years


Sheet #185

1) 140 feet

2) 125 feet

3) 125 feet

4) 15 feet

5) 550 feet

6)10 x5= 50 minutes

7) 10 minutes

Sheet # 186

1) 3 x 2 =6

2) 3 x 3 =9

187 Sheet #188
1) 4 x 3 = 12 different cars
2) d

Sheet # 189
1) 84 apples. 4 more apples needed.
2) 4 buckets
3) 12 balls
Sheet #190
Sheet # 191

1) Rita, Sarah, Bill and Sam
2) 37
3) Harry=128, Tom=98, Fred=103, Kim=65

Sheet # 192

1) d
2) b

Sheet # 193

1) $9
2) 5,7,11,13
3) 25

Sheet # 194

1) 97 students
2) 9 different outfits
3) three coins = 3 x 2 x 1 = 6 combinations
4 coins= 4 x 3 x 2 x1 = 24 combinations

Sheet # 195
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet
Sheet 196
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet

Sheet 197
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet
Sheet 198
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet
Sheet 199
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet
Sheet 200
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet