
Answers to 3rd and 4th grade Problems 

Answers for worksheet from 201 to 250

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Answers to other worksheets would be posted shortly. Please let the Editor know and he would email you the answers. Thanks for your patience. 
Sheet # 201
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet
Sheet # 202
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet
Sheet #203
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet
Sheet #204
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet.
Sheet #205
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet
Sheet #206

No worksheet

Sheet #207

No worksheet
Sheet #208

No worksheet

Sheet #209

No worksheet

Sheet #210

No worksheet

Sheet # 211
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet
Sheet # 212

1) George Washington (67 years old)
Abe = 56 years
2) 191 years
3) 1 mile
4) 97 chapters
5) 184 pages
6) 42 years
7) 76 inches
8) 57 minutes and 6 miles
9) $1.15
10) 7 minutes
11) 52 years
12) 15 papers/box
Extra Credit
1) 5/8
a) $50/month
b) $7200
c) $2300
4) $222,100
5) $224,400

Sheet #213

1) 139 years @year 2000
2) 21 days, 84 days, 210 days
3) about 10 to 11 hours
4) $2.50/week, $10. $25
5) 8 p.m.
6) 25 years
7) 105 students
8) 96 plants
9) $120
10) 500
11) $7500
12) 1000 m
13) 82 years
14) 27 years for year 2000

15) graph
16) Skippy
17) 2 million
18) 21 million
19) 7.5 million

Sheet #214GroundHog

1) 2 feet
2) 160 ounces
3) 125 times and 250 times
4) 72 inches
5) 6:40
6) 34 minutes
7) 320 times
8) 1 hour 98 minutes
9) 12 years for year 2000
10) 42 days
11) 9 degrees
12) 3 babies
13) 30 days
14) 60 babies
15) 15 berries
16) 3 months
17) 10 times
18) 70 degrees
19) 3x2x7 = 42 times
Sheet # 215
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet
Sheet #216
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet
Sheet #217 (Valentine)

1) 60 flowers
2) 24 degrees F
3) 2:45 p.m.
4) 6 hours 20 minutes
5) 60 calories
6) 40 inches
7) 9 inches
8) 10 candies
9) 6 cards
10) 180 inches
11) $14.50
12) 43
13) 3 boxes
a) 1 egg
b) 1/2 stick butter
c) 1 cup
d) 1 cup sugar
f) 1/2 teaspoon

15) 12 x $2 = $24. Helen
is cheaper
16) $5.65

Sheet #218 Valentines Day

1) 12 red cookies
2) 2 blue cookies
3) 8 green cookies
4) 8 purple cookies

Sheet #219
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet
Sheet #220
Sheet # 222

1) 48 ounces or 3 pints

2) 20 ounces of butter.
$3.75 for butter
3) Yesterday,
6 more cookies

Sheet #223
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet
Sheet #224
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet
Sheet #225
The answers are at the bottom of the worksheet
Sheet #226
Sheet #227 Sheet #228
1) 26 vertebrae
2) 12 ribs
3) 5 senses
4) 3 hours
5) 32 teeth
6) 1 minute
7) 20 feet
8) 5 feet
9) 24 hours
10) 206 boxes
11) 600 muscles
12) 72 beats/min
13) 100 miles/hour
14) 2 pounds

Sheet #229
1) 5 + 15= 20 miles, 37-20 =17 miles

2) 3 x 5 = 15 cookies, 34-15=19 cookies

3) 25 + 30 = 55 minutes, 180-55 = 125 minutes

4) 25 +14+ 40 = 79
80- 79 = 101 minutes

5) 3 x $5.40 =$16.20
Sheet #230

1. $12.50
2. $4.50
3. $6.40
4. 65 minutes
5. 75 minutes
6. $9.37
Sheet #231

1. 34 apples
2. $41.66
3. 57 cookies
4. $5.56
5. $5.95
6. $3.05
7. $7.00

Sheet #232

1) 12 crayons
2) 18 miles
3) 438 pages
4) 26 pounds
5) $10
6) $8
7) $7
Sheet #233

1) $11.87
2) $4.59
3) $6.09
4) 3 cupcakes
5) 29
6) 67
7) 60

Sheet #234

1)224 years

2)84 inches or 7 feet

3)91 hats

4) 1900 pounds yes

5) 25 boxes

Sheet #235
1) yes 1 foot of material left

2)1 quart

3)1 pound for $.89

4) Adam

5)change - $2.90