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Sheet # 560


Explain and Show Your Work.

1) Fred bought a turtle from the pet store and paid with 2
one dollar bills. He received $0.30 change. How much did the turtle cost? Write a number sentence.

2) Dennis has $10.00. He wants to buy 3 packs of baseball cards which cost $3.25 each. Does he have enough money? If Dennis can buy the baseball cards, how much change will he receive?

3) Amy has 3 children. She gave each of them 2 cookies and 2 sandwiches. How many sandwiches did she give them in all? Write a number sentence.

4) Mrs. Smith is buying cloth that is 15 feet long so she can make a cover for her car. How many yards of cloth does she need to buy? Write a number sentence.

Which is the best estimate of the distance you could travel by car in 5 minutes?

A) 15 centimeters

B) 200 centimeters

C) 800 meters

D) 3 kilometers

Answers for sheet # 550

1) $2.00 - $0.30

2) Yes. Total cost $9.75
Change 35 cents

3) 3 x 2 = 6

4) 15 ÷ 3 = 5 yards

5) 3 kilometer. Answer is D