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Sheet # 7/The Nursery Rhyme

Name: _____________________ Date_____________

Show your work.

Sing a song of six pence,
A pocket full of rye;
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie.

1) How many blackbirds were baked in the pie?

2) The pie went into the oven at 4:00 p.m. It baked for 1 and 1/2 hours. What time
did the pie come out of the oven?

When the pie was opened,
The birds began to sing;
Wasn't that a dainty dish
To set before the king?

3) The king decided to send out for pizza instead. He got six pieces of pizza. Each piece cost $1.50. How much did the pizza cost?

4) He called the pizza shop at 6:03 p.m. The pizza was delivered 26 minutes later. What time did the pizza get to the castle?

The king was in the counting house,
Counting out his money;

5) The king counted 10 quarters, 16 dimes, 7 nickels, and 4 pennies. How much money did the king have?

The queen was in the parlor,
Eating bread and honey.

6) The queen loved honey sandwiches. She used two pieces of bread for each sandwich. If there are 20 slices of bread in a loaf, how many sandwiches did she make?

The maid was in the garden,
Hanging up the clothes,
Along came a blackbird
And snipped off her nose.

7) The maid did lots of laundry. She hung out 6 pairs of red socks, 3 pairs of blue socks, and one pair of striped socks. How many socks did she hang out?

Answers for Sheet # 7 The Nursery Rhyme

1) 24 blackbirds
2) 5:30 p.m.
3) $9.00
4) 6:29 p.m.
5) $4.49
6) 10 sandwiches
7) 20 socks