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Sheet # 142/ Critical Thinking

Name: _____________________ Date_____________


1) A package of hot dogs contains 10 hot dogs. A package of buns contains 8 hot dogs. What is the fewest number of packages you would have to buy to have exactly the same number of hot dogs and buns?

2) A package of forks contains 12 forks. A package of plates contains 8 plates. What is the fewest number of packages you would have to buy to have exactly the same number of forks and plates?

3) What is the smallest number of children when

grouping the children by 4s leaves 2 extra,

grouping the children by 5s leaves 1 extra,

and more than 10 children are in the class?

4) You are to take a flu pill every 30 minutes. You have 16 pills to take. If you take the first pill at 1:00 p.m., what time would you take the last pill?