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Sheet # 765

1) Which number sentence is correct? Ann and Rose have 20 books altogether.

a) Ann's books = Rose's books + 20

b) Ann's books + 20 = Rose's books

c) Ann's books + Rose's books = 20

d) Ann's books = Rose's books

2) Which number sentence is correct? Apples come in crates of 72 apples each. There are 6 crates.

a) the total number of apples = 72 x 6

b) the total number of apples x 6 = 72

c) the total number of apples x 72 = 6

d) the total number of apples = 72

3) Claire has 3 bags of marbles with 8 marbles in each bag. Leo has 8 bags of marbles with 3 marbles in each bag. Which number sentence shows that Claire and Leo have the SAME number of marbles?

a) 3 + 8 = 8 + 3

b) 8 - 3 = 3 - 8

c) 8 X 3 = 3 X 8

d) 8 - 3 = 5

4) Denny made 48 cupcakes for the bake sale. He put an equal number of cupcakes on 6 plates. Which number sentence would be used to find the number of cupcakes on each plate?

a) 48 + 6 =

b) 48 - 6 =

c) 48 x 6 =

d) 48 ÷ 6 =

Answers for sheet # 765

1) c

2) a

3) c

4) d