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Sheet # 818

1. Mr. Pearse's flowers grow about 4 cm each week. If the flowers stood 16 cm on June 1, about how tall would they be on June 30?

A. 16 cm

B. 20 cm

C. 32 cm

D. 64 cm

2. Visitors to the Library

Monday: 126

Tuesday: 138

Wednesday: 116

Thursday: 101

Friday: 112

About how many visitors came to the library in the above week?

A. 200

B. 400

C. 600

D. 800

3. After five tests Juan had an average grade of 90%. If he scored 87 on test 1, 90 on test 2, and 85 on test 3, then what might have been his scores on the last two tests?

A. 86 and 90

B. 75 and 91

C. 93 and 95

D. 68 and 90

4. Rick caught two fish. The first one weighed 3 3/4 pounds and the second one weighed 4 1/2pounds. How much more did the second one weigh?

A. 7 3/4 pounds

B. 1 1/2 pounds

C. 1 1/4 pounds

D. 3/4 pounds

5. Debby and Marilyn have a total of $6.80. Debby has $1.40 more than Marilyn. How much does Debby have?

A. $8.20

B. $5.40

C. $4.10

D. $2.70

6. Jacob is in the fifth grade. He weighs 4 times more than his little brother. What would be a reasonable weight for his little brother?

A. 7 pounds

B. 23 pounds

C. 79 pounds

D. 127 pounds

7. Molly and her dad went out to eat. Their meals cost $13.80. They want to leave a 15% tip. About how much tip should they leave?

A. $1.00

B. $1.40

C. $2.00

D. $3.00

8. Which number can be rounded to 0.43?

A. 0.425

B. 0.423

C. 0.416

D. 0.393

9. I have 18 feet of fencing to go around my rectangular dog pen. I want the fence to be 6 feet in length. What should be the width of the fence?

A. 3 feet

B. 6 feet

C. 9 feet

D. 12 feet

10. At the soccer game Saturday, three members of the Blue Team scored goals. Player A made 1/ 2 of the goals. Player B made 1/3 of the goals and Player C made the rest of the goals. If the Blue Team scored 30 goals, how many did Player C score?

A. 3 goals

B. 5 goals

C. 10 goals

D. 12 goals

11. Three of the following products have the same value. Which one does not?

A. 2 x 1800

B. 20 x 1800

C. 200 x 18

D. 2000 x 1.8