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Sheet # 838

1) You have three toppings to choose from when you make pizza. If you only use two toppings on each pizza, how many different pizzas could you make? (Hint: pepperoni and cheese is the same as cheese and pepperoni.)

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 6

You roll a number cube and it comes up a 6. What are the chances you will roll a 6 on your next roll?

a. 0/6

b. 1/6

c. 2/6

d. 1/3

If you are told there are a total of 100 red and blue colored balls in a bag. You are not told how many are red and how many are blue - just that the total is 100. You draw 10 times from the bag (returning the ball each time) and each time you draw red! Which statement would be true:

a. It is likely that there are many more red balls than blue balls.

b. It is likely there are the same number of red and blue balls.

c. It is certain that the bag contains only red balls.

d. It is certain that the bag contains only blue balls.

4) Five sweaters are on a rack in a closet. Four have nothing wrong with them and one sweater has a hole in it. If Jan picks out a sweater without looking, what is the chance that it has a hole?

a. 1/5

b. 1/4

c. 4/5

d. 5/5

5) What are the chances of spinning a "4" on this spinner?

a. 1 out of 2

b. 1 out of 3

c. 1 out of 4

d. 2 out of 4