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Sheet # 45

1) Nine plates.

Each plate has one cookie.

How cookies in all?

A) 7

B) 9

C) 8

D) 5

2) Nine children

How many ears in all?

A) 17

B) 11

C) 18

D) 9

3) Nine tricycles.

How many wheels in all?

A) 18

B) 9

C) 36

D) 27

4) Nine gallons of milk.

Four quarts in each gallon.

How many quarts in all

A) 27

B) 33

C) 36

D) 13

5) Nine nickels.

How many cents in all?

A) 45

B) 9

C) 14

D) 36

6) Nine ants.

Each ant has six legs.

How many legs in all?

A) 15

B) 54

C) 48

D) 60

7) Nine weeks

How many days in all?

A) 16

B) 9

C) 63

D) 56

8) Nine octopuses.

Each octopus has 8 arms

How arms in all?

A) 81

B) 64

C) 17

D) 72

9) Nine rows of pumpkins

Nine pumpkins in each row

How many pumpkins in all?

A) 72

B) 18

C) 81

D) 72

10) Nine dimes.

How many cents in all?

A) 90

B) 50

C) 9

D) 45