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Sheet # 903

1. If you cut a circle in half, which shape would you have?
a) Click if this is the correct answer.
b) Click if this is the correct answer.
c) Click if this is the correct answer.
d) Click if this is the correct answer.

2.Which of these shapes has four sides?

a) Click if this is the correct answer.
b) Click if this is the correct answer.
c) Click if this is the correct answer.
d) Click if this is the correct answer.

3. Two figures are congruent if they have the same size and same shape. Which of the shapes below is not congruent with the others?

a) Click if this is the correct answer.
b) Click if this is the correct answer.
c) Click if this is the correct answer.
d) Click if this is the correct answer.

4. Which of these shapes is a cone?

a) Click if this is the correct answer.
b) Click if this is the correct answer.
c) Click if this is the correct answer.
d) Click if this is the correct answer.

5. Look at the figure below. How many dots are inside the rectangle but outside the circle?

a) 6

b) 9

c) 10

d) 12

6. Which of these shapes has the fewest sides?

a) Square

b) Rectangle

c) Triangle

d) They all have the same number of sides.

7. Look at these squares. If you joined them together, which shape could you make?

a) Click if this is the correct answer.
b) Click if this is the correct answer.
c) Click if this is the correct answer.
d) Click if this is the correct answer.

8. Which answer describes this shape?

a) A circle inside a square

b) Two squares

c) A triangle inside a square

d) A square inside a circle

9. What letter is inside the circle and the square?





10. What shape goes in the empty space?

a) Click if this is the correct answer.
b) Click if this is the correct answer.
c) Click if this is the correct answer.
d) Click if this is the correct answer.