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Sheet # 925

1) This graph shows how many cars were sold at a car dealership in six months. How many cars were sold in February?

a) 5

b) 10

c) 15

d) 20

2) This graph shows how many cars were sold at a car dealership in six months. In which two months were the most cars sold?

a) January and February

b) March and April

c) April and May

d) May and June

3) This graph shows how many cars were sold at a car dealership in six months. Find the months in which the highest and lowest number of cars were sold. How many more cars were sold in the highest month than the lowest month?

a) 5

b) 10

c) 20

d) 30

4) There are 6 American cars, 1 German car, and 3 Japanese cars in a parking lot. Which of these answer choices is not possible

a) 3 American cars leave

b) 4 Japanese cars leave

c) 1 German and 2 American cars leave

d) 1 German and 2 Japanese cars leave

5) Suppose you twirled this spinner 100 times. On which color will the spinner land most often?

a) Black

b) White

c) Gray

d) You can't tell.

6) In Midville Elementary School, 7 out of 10 students take the bus to school. The other students walk to school. There are 400 students in the school. Which of these is true?

a) 7 out of 10 students walk to school

b) 7 out of 400 students walk to school

c) 3 out of 10 students walk to school

d) 1 out of 10 students walk to school

7) This graph shows the number of championships won by the students in a school. How many did they win in baseball, basketball, and track all together?

a) 3

b) 4

c) 8

d) 9

8) This graph shows the number of traffic accidents that happened in a town each day of the week for one year. What can you say about the pattern of accidents?

a) Fewer accidents happen on weekends than on weekdays.

b) Monday is the safest day to drive.

c) Saturday is more dangerous than Tuesday or Wednesday.

d) More than 50 accidents happened on Friday.

9) How many apples were sold on Thursday at Rhonda's fruit stand?

a) 5 apples

b) 30 apples

c) 45 apples

d) 55 apple

10) In the school chorus there are 15 girls and 15 boys. If you closed your eyes and chose 10 singers, how many of them would probably be boys?

a) 15

b) 7

c) 6

d) 5