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Sheet # 180

Name: _____________________ Date_____________

1. Bill bought candy at the store. He gave the clerk five nickels, two quarters, three pennies and two dimes. How much did he spend?


2. Sally bought a Barbie doll and paid $9.21. If she gave the clerk ten dollars, how much change would she get back?


3. Sam bought some tools with the money that his grandmother gave him. He bought a hammer for $10.32 and a set of screwdrivers for $13.12. How much did he spend?



4. South Middle is collecting money for the March of Dimes. William collected $5.45 one day and $7.83 another day. How much money did William collect?



5. Mrs. Bailey cleaned out her pocketbook and found the following change:five quarters, ten dimes, two half dollars, and ten pennies. How much money did she find?



6. Sally loves to collect money for charities. She is collecting money for St. Jude. She collected $12.34 Monday, $31.12 Tuesday, and 10.56 on Wednesday. How much money did she collect?



7. Bill spent $56.87 at the doctor's office, $25.34 at the drug store, and $85 at the grocery store. How much did he spend?