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 Sheet # 92/Critical Thinking Problems

 Name: _____________________ Date_____________

Questions # 1

Mary woke up at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. She looked out her window and saw that the sun was shining, and the temperature was 75 degrees. She got up, made her bed, ate breakfast and got dressed. When Mary went outside four hours later, the temperature was 8 degrees hotter. How hot was it, and what time was it when Mary went outside?



Questions # 2

John Smith and his sister Susan were planning to go on a picnic with their Mother and Father. Mrs. Smith packed five turkey sandwiches, two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and three cheese sandwiches, for their lunch. She also brought one dozen cans of cold soda for them to drink. It was very hot, and the car trip was longer than planned. John was hungry and ate one turkey sandwich and drank two cans of soda before they parked their car and set up their picnic.

 They all decided to play catch before they ate their lunch. While they were playing ball, a hungry dog wandered by their picnic table, and grabbed two of the turkey sandwiches off the table and ran away. Then the wind started to blow, and the sun went behind the clouds. The wind grew stronger and stronger, and one of the cans of soda that Susan had left on the edge of the table rolled off and went under a bush.

The Smiths decided they better eat their lunch before it started to rain and thunder. When they went back to their picnic table to eat, they realized they did not have all the food they brought with them for their picnic.


How many sandwiches were left for the Smith's to eat for lunch?

How many cans of soda were on the table for them to drink?