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Sheet # 23/Telling the Missing Word

Name: _____________________ Date_____________

Complete each of the following sentences by one of these words: add, subtract, multiply, divide.

 1. To find the total cost of five Christmas gifts at different prices, you should _________.


2. If you know the cost of 6 candy canes, then to find the cost of one cane, you should _________.


3. If you know how much a Christmas tree costs but don't have enough money to buy it, then to find how much more you need, you should___________?


4. If you know how much money you have and how much a book will cost, then to find how much money you will have left after you buy the book, you should____________.


5. You know the cost of one toy. To find the cost of five toys at the same price, you should____________.


6. If you know how much one toy airplane costs, and want to find out how many of the airplanes you can buy with with the money you have, then you should______________.


7. If you know how many inches long you should cut one bookmark, to find how many bookmarks you can make from a yard of ribbon, then you should ___________?


8. If you know the cost of a picnic and how many persons will share the expense, then to find how much each should pay, you should______________.


9. To change feet to inches, you should _______________.