Copyright © 1999, Inc, 2416 Ramke Place , Santa Clara, California 95050 . All Rights Reserved.

Sheet # 99

Name: _____________________ Date_____________

1) Antonio bought some bubble gum, a bag of Doritos for 69¢, and a bottle of coke for 99¢. He spent $2.47. How much did the gum cost?



2) Jarett bought some colored pencils for $4.83, drawing paper for $3.50, and a pair of scissors. He spent $10.57. How much were the scissors?



3) Don bought a slinky, a hot-wheel 5-pack for $4.97, and some play-dough for $4.97. He spent $12.21. How much did the slinky cost?



4) My mom sent me to the store to buy 1 pound of hamburger meat, hamburger-helper for $3.00, and a 2-liter bottle of coke for $1.97. She spent $7.50 on the groceries. How much did the hamburger meat cost?



5) The principal bought a necktie for $21.75, a pair of shoes for $55.51, and some socks. He spent $82.01. How much did the socks cost him?



6) The vice-principal bought her nephews a toy car for $2.49, a basketball for $15.65, and a racetrack. She spent $45.00. How much was the racetrack?