Math Problems based on Popular Children's Books

Thematic Word Problems
Problems for Grade 1
Grades 1, 2 & 3
Grades 3 & 4
Grades 5 & 6
Advanced 6th Grade

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Grades 1 to 3
Grades 3+ to 6
Hansel and Gretel
The Three Little Pigs
The Shoemaker and the Elves
The Five Little Pumpkins
Jack and the Beanstalk
The Three Little Kittens
The Witch of Willoughby Wood
The Three Billy Goat Gruff
Nursery Rhymes
Five Little Monkeys
Harry Potter (Sheet # 16)
The Little Red Hen
Harry Potter (Sheet # 8)
Nursery Rhymes
Harry Potter (Sheet # 9)
Mary Wore a Red Dress
Huckleberry Finn
Berlioz the Bear
Dr. Seuss
Yertle the Turtle
Cat in the Hat
The Kid Who Ran for President